Week 6 Story: The Two Sisters

There once was two sisters, Chione and Dalilah, whom lived in a very rich garden full of every fruit and flower you could imagine. They loved to spend their time running through the garden playing tag and smelling the flowers. They would sit and enjoy a basket of fruit they had collected talking about how they wanted to marry a prince and live in a beautiful palace and have their own gardens. Their father overheard them talking about marriage and knew the time had come. The next day he called Chione out from the garden to come meet a guest. The guest was nicely dressed and spoke of taking Chione to his land and living happily with her never having to do any work. Chione thought that he must have been the prince she had been dreaming and longing for. She agreed to marry him and by the evening they were husband and wife. Dalilah was very saddened to see her sister marry and leave the home but still had hope for her own happiness. 

As the days went by, Chione and Dalilah kept in contact by sending letters. Chione was telling Dalilah how her husband, Anpu, was so lazy and made his brother do all the work. Chione was also very upset because she had been fooled into thinking that Anpu was of royalty and had his own palace, only to find out he had his own farmland. Overall, Chione was very upset and said that she had began to admire Anpu's brother Bata. Dalilah advised her to be faithful and not attempt anything with Bata yet little did she know that would be the last letter she sent to her sister. 

A week went by and another man appeared at their father's doorstep asking for a wife. He claimed how he had a beautiful garden with lovely acacia flowers and how he would love her forever. Dalilah loved acacias and therefore agreed to marry the man. Now, Dalilah soon found out the man was not truthful in what he said. There were flowers but the man, Bata, would not let her out the house to enjoy them in the fresh wind but would bring some in for her after hunting. She became so depressed that one day a wave from the sea came and spoke of how Dalilah could have true happiness if only she told Bata's deepest secret. Hearing this, she agreed and was swept away to live in a palace with not one, but two beautiful gardens. The king, being of high power, did not fully love Dalilah like Bata had. She became even more depressed and missed Bata. Yet little did she know, telling his secret actually killed Bata.

Authors Note:
I decided to tell the girls' side of the story from "Two Brothers". I wanted to explore the reasons behind why they did the things the did. Such as having the sisters being unhappy in their marriages because that's not what "they had imagined". Then to have Dalilah see that even though you get what you want physically, it doesn't outweigh what you get mentally.

Story source:


  1. Hello Crystel,
    I enjoyed reading your story! I like the font and the picture that you chose to use for your story. I think it goes well with your story. This story is a little sad, I was not expecting that Delilah telling the secret would kill her sister. I think that is what makes your story great. Not all stories should be predictable. Also, great job on telling the story from a different perspective.

  2. Hi Crystal!

    I enjoyed reading this from a different point of view than the Two Brothers. I thought that was a really creative idea but it was a little sad which is okay - I think it gives the story depth. I wish there was more detail of the sisters lives in it and it was a little longer because it was so fun to read.

    Have you thought about changing the font? It is super cute but it makes the text a little hard to read. I really like it though!

  3. Hi Crystel! I thought your story was very interesting. I like that you chose to write from the point of view of the sisters. It’s always good to imagine a different perspective in a story, and the sisters seem like they would have an interesting story to tell. I also really like the idea you were conveying in the story, that you won’t always be satisfied mentally even when you get the things that you want physically. I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  4. Hi Crystel! Your story is like a fairytale without the happy ending, its very unique in that way. It was definitely easy to read and stay engaged with the characters. Did the other sister end up liking her marriage arrangement? Did anyone find out about Dalilah being trapped? I really enjoyed your story and can not wait to read more! Good job!

  5. Hi Crystel!
    I really enjoyed your retelling of the Two Brothers but from two sister’s points of view. In the original story I thought that the wives were portrayed as bad people. But in your retelling it was easy to relate to the sisters. It actually makes me sad to know what happened to them. I think you did a really good job with the retelling and it was entertaining to read!


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