Famous Last Words...Feeling the Struggle

First off....I can't believe October is right around the corner. That means its low key time to start stressing out about class assignments and exams. I definitely felt that this last week. I've noticed that when things start to pick up in my other classes I tend to put those assignments first before this class, and its not helping me at all. I told myself my best bet was to just "stock up" on points over the weekends but with work and other obligations I haven't got that far yet. Honestly, trying to catch my wave in this class is a tad bit harder than I originally thought. I start off strong in the beginning of the week but by Thursday, I'm kind of mentally dead. Usually when I get home in the evenings after school/work I am almost brain dead and reading/comprehending isn't exactly a priority. However, I believe I am going to start getting up earlier in the mornings before my other classes, to work on the projects for this class. I feel with doing this, my brain will be fresh to comprehend the stories and the lessons taught through them. So with that being said, I plan to try out my plan of "morning homework" this next week and see how it goes! I am really optimistic on it actually working, cause for one it makes me get up and out of bed on time in the mornings. For two, it will give me peace of mind for the rest of the day not having to worry about an assignment.

Overall, I really do enjoy not only the layout of this class but also how it incorporates life lessons via Growth Mindset and Learning by H.E.A.R.T. I guess when you think about it, that's also what we are getting from reading the myths and folklore. Its amazing how such short stories can have an effect on you after reading them. 


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