Reading Notes: Homer's Iliad, Part A

I chose this reading because of having to read it before for another class and wanting to see the difference in retelling. First and foremost, I love the passion behind each sentence Church retold. Even though the story is shorter, by means of being without minor details, it still tells of the core parts. Church delivers each emotion with such clarity yet also allowing you to draw your own personal feelings for the situation as well. 

Another interesting aspect I am fond of is the way Homer incorporated the various gods and their respective parts they played in the war. We as an audience are shown both sides as to which gods are being prayed to and are actually holding their end of the "deal". Others we see acting vainly and doing their own which ultimately causes tragedy. I like this aspect of gods having thoughts on how they see the war ending cause this creates yet another layer of intensity within the story. Lastly, I like how this story exhibits morals and how the world "obeys" them according to own wants/needs.

The Iliad Retold by Alfred J. Church (1907)


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