Oh Where Art Thou Topic Research

Hey guys! So after some deliberation, I have decided to follow the Shakespearean path and do a recreation of Romeo & Juliet!
Prehistoric Romeo & Juliet*: The Archaeological Society SAP / AP

  • Okay, so for starters the idea for one version of the story is the most obvious/wanted....turning the frown upside down! Meaning, I have thought about making the tragic love story into one of happiness and living characters. I know the ending of the play was one everyone hated and wished that there had been better communication between the two as far as "dying". This leads me to my second idea...
  • Since the 1990's remake of Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio, there hasn't been another. My second idea for a story would be to bring the characters to modern times. This would instill a more relatable environment to the actual characters for my viewers. My thoughts on such would be to place Romeo and Juliet in today's society yet leaving all the unique characteristics to the story such as their age, social status, and their dying love for each other and see how things would go. 

"How Unromantic!" Newspaper Illustration By Yuko Shimizu
  • The last story I see coming from this Shakespearean play would be the tale of two star-crossed homosexual lovers. This idea stems off my last as far as "modernizing" the play goes, however I would want to keep this story in Shakespeare's time and manipulate character reactions based on how they would've been seen during that time period. 


*A pair of human skeletons found on Monday outside Mantua, Italy. Archaeologists unearthed the skeletons, believed to have been buried between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago.


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