Week 3 Feedback Strategies

Feedback Quote By Ken Blanchard

For this assignment, the first article I chose was "How to Give Feedback Without Sounding Like A Jerk". I chose this specifically because I know from personal experience this is a small difficulty. I have found that switching the wording of the question you're using for feedback or even your tone (if in person) can really help! One thing the article pointed out that I like most was how most people tend to gloss over the middle of a conversation so its best to give positive feedback at the beginning and end. Another big part mentioned was to engage in dialogue and not a manipulative monologue. I feel this helps tremendously over online situations cause even though the two aren't present for real conversation, one can be actively made allowing free and easy feedback. The second article I chose was "Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise" mainly because of my work environment. There are specific supervisors we employees know to expect negative feedback from and then those who really don't give either. The article pointed out how most are usually just to nervous to give the feedback needed. I could/do see this but I also believe that coupling a negative with a positive definitely helps! 


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