The Introduction of Me!! 

Pomsky By Kaelin Tully 

Hi guys, I’m Crystel Fields! I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma and currently a super-senior (last year…woo!) majoring in Microbiology. I know what you are wondering...“Whoa, are you Pre-Med or something?”, yes I am! I chose my major not only because of it having a vast majority of the classes need to apply to medical school, but because I truly find it interesting. I love microscopic work and being able to identify what a certain bacterium is. Furthermore, I also really enjoy having the ability to work through and diagnose patients with various conditions like in a class I am currently taking called Medical Microbiology. I hope to go on to medical school within a year to become a surgeon, not sure on specific practice yet. Anyways, enough about school ha-ha, in my free time I like to do a little of everything: hangout with friends, read, craft, and of course attend OU football games! My time with friends could be spent doing anything from just staying inside grabbing pizza and catching up to going camping. As far as reading goes, I have a bad habit of going to the bookstore and picking a book, usually suspense or fantasy-like, and not actually getting to read it. However, I am slowly working on making time for it. On the other hand, what I do seem to have too much time for is watching TV shows. I recently just finished binge watching The Handmaid’s Tale and already can’t wait for the next season. I’ve heard a lot of things about Stranger Things but not sure if I should watch it; if you do, please drop a comment and give me your thoughts on the show! Let’s see….I don’t have any pets but would like to own a Pomsky one day, which is a mixture between a Husky and Pomeranian. (Pictured Above) For music choice I listen to a little bit of everything and the same goes for my food choice ha-ha! Actually, on the food matter I am not a fan of sushi or things along that line.

Anyways, I don’t know what else to say about myself currently, stuck in a writer’s block I suppose ha-ha! However check back for more later as I will update on TV shows, books, and OU football….BOOMER SOONER!


  1. Hi Crystel! I’m a pre-med too and I’m taking my first Microbiology class and the Microbiology lab that goes with it. I honestly thought I wasn’t going to like it, but so far it’s my favorite class and lab! I also want to be a surgeon, but I’ve gone back and forth on the specialization over the years. Currently, I’m thinking that I want to be a trauma surgeon but it will probably change. You should definitely watch Stranger Things if you’re into Sci-fi movies or TV shows. Personally I liked season 1 better than season 2 but they are both good!

  2. Hey Crystal! I definitely think you should watch Stranger Things, partly because the show sets such a cool vibe in the 80s' and I have never seen a show like it before, but also because it has an awesome fan base and you will love to connect with your friends over the show when the next season comes out if you're all caught up. I also have the bad habit of buying books that I never get to read, not because I don't want to, but every time that I read for leisure, a part of me feels guilty because I know that I had hundreds of pages of assigned readings for my classes that I should be doing instead. Whatever though, girl. WE'RE ABOUT TO GRADUATE!! We will have free time (probably not enough since we're both going to grad school) to read once we finish our last year! Good luck on this year and all of your future endeavors.

  3. Hi Crystel!

    I think your major is something I could never do. I'm a senior right now, about to (hopefully) finish my degree in Mathematics. Anything medical however I'm not sure I'd go well with. I originally came to OU hoping to do pre-med and go into anesthesia, but after taking chemistry, I decided against it even though I made an A. I just found myself not enjoying that type of thinking, whereas numbers have always made sense to me. At least they did, until math stopped being numbers and started being proofs and theory. Anyway, it's nice to meet you! Good luck with your last year!

  4. Wow, who would have thought they would be able to create a pomsky like that, Crystel: he is so cute! My uncle used to breed Pomeranians, and they were little guys... very cute, but definitely very little. Of course mythology is also full of even more weird hybrids... Wikipedia has a huge list of mythological hybrid creatures, partly human, non-humans, all kinds of bizarre combinations... none of them as cute as that pomsky of course.
    And I've never worked with bacteria in a laboratory... but I love seeing petri dish art that people share at Twitter. Have you ever looked at that? So cool: Microbe Art Competition. It's science AND art! :-)

  5. Hi Crystel! I have to say I am quite obsessed with owning a pomsky one day! You have to check out 'pomsky heaven' on instagram, I think you'll like it! I am also pre-med! I am taking fundamentals of microbiology this year, so I may need some study tips from you! The Handmaid's tale is so great! I recently got my roommate hooked on that show. Cannot say I was really happy with the season two ending though.

  6. Hi Crystel, nice to “meet” you. I am also a pre-med and love the microbiology classes I have taken. I am currently taking pathogenic microbiology and infectious disease with Paul Lawson. It is one of the most interesting classes I have ever taken. I also want to look into the medical microbiology class; it sounds like a very interesting and applicable class.

  7. Hello Crystel!
    Props to ou for being a microbiology major! I am a science major as well and I want to go to pharmacy school. I heard the Handmaids tales is a really good series! I cant ever find enough time to actually indulge myself in watching it. Pomsky's are such an adorable animal. I wish I could have one myself! They are like the perfect size and fun of cuteness. Have a great semester !

  8. Hi Crystal!

    I also watched Handmaids Tale this summer! It was an awesome show and so original - I loved it and I really wish there was more like it... Stranger Things is also a really fun show - not comparable to Handmaids Tale but also pretty original. Another show I would suggest is Atypical or American Horror Story (The new season is so good!!) Brooklyn Nine Nine is also really funny if you're into that type of show.

    I think it is cool you are going into pre med! I wish I could do something like that but I am so afraid of blood and getting sick!

    I also have a huge collection of books... I have read about five so I understand that issue all too well. I have a bad habit of buying and not reading so they just sit there and collect dust.

    I hope you are having a good semester and I cant wait to keep up with you!

  9. Hi Crystel! I am also a super-senior, so I can totally relate! I think microbiology sounds really cool, and it seems like you're enjoying it, so that's awesome. It looks like people have already mentioned it, but I highly recommend you watch Stranger Things. I am very picky about what I watch and honestly I don’t watch a lot of non-animated series, but I tried Stranger Things because a friend wanted to watch it with me. I’m glad I watched it because it’s now one of my favorite shows! Anyway, I hope your semester is going well!

  10. Hi Crystel! I am also a senior and pre-med! My major is Biology but I am in microbiology class this semester! I totally agree that it applies to multiple areas that you will hear about in med-school. Sounds like you have a great plan ahead of you! Good luck with everything this semester and after!

  11. Hi Crystel! You seem super passionate about your field of studies, which is admirable, biology is super interesting but I could never study it on an academic level. I feel you on the "not having time to read, but having way too much time to watch random youtube videos and TV shows". I am actually watching the Hunchback of Notredame right now! (rewatching my childhood disney/pixar favorites)

    - Anna Margret

  12. Hi Crystel! I will say, I applaud you for liking and being good at microbiology, because that was the one class that made me change my major. Let's just say it is not my thing or strong suit.
    I got to do my internship in Tulsa this summer and loved it! I am from Norman, so getting to live in Tulsa was a fun and new experience. Enjoy the rest of your semester!

  13. Hey Crystel!
    I think the degree you're pursuing sounds very interesting and helpful for going into the field of medicine, particularly as a surgeon. I've enjoyed all of the health classes I've taken at OU but I'm not sure if I could handle something as tedious as microbiology! I, personally, highly recommend Stranger Things if you're into sci-fi T.V. shows at all. If you have any camping recommendations let me know, I enjoy camping but have never gotten the chance to do so in Oklahoma! Best of luck this semester and in applying to a grad program.

  14. Hi Crystel! I love microbiology and I found the class and the lab so much fun! The lab was actually one of my favorite classes I’ve taken so far, mostly because my TA was an awesome teacher and made it a lot of fun. I’m pre-PA, so I know a little about the medical pathway. I also want to go into surgery because it is so cool and I am fascinated with the process. I can’t wait to read more from you!

  15. Hi there Crystel! I love Microbiology as well! I recently switched out of it this summer during my last semester (also a super-senior technically but I graduate this December!) due to some person issues and decided to do planned program with emphasis in microbiology and specifically pathogenesis! I hope that you make it into medical school and do great things! I don't want to do much of the medical route with school, I really want to just become a lab rat and study deadly diseases and help to prevent pandemics in the future one day. I'll end by saying good luck in Capstone! It can be pretty brutal but I'm sure you'll make it through!

  16. Hello Crystal!

    I am a biology major so I understand the studying struggle hahaha. But first let me comment on this unique font you chose! It is so fun and different from all the other blogs I have seen in this class. I love it!! Anyway, I love how passionate you are about micro-bio and the pre-med track, I am grateful to have more doctors like you in the world. I am very interested in reading the stories you tell from that perspective.

  17. Hi Crystel,
    There's quite a few people in this class who have mention microbiology in their introductions, and from what I can tell it seems pretty difficult. I'm glad that you find it interesting and enjoy it though. Congrats on making it to your last year, and I wish you the best of luck with finishing your final year and making it into medical school!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hey Crystel! Comment Attempt Two: My auto correct spelled your name wrong! Anyways... I must admit I was a little taken aback the first time I heard the term "Super-senior" at college, but it seems like a lot of people are actually doing it. It makes sense for you take an extra year since you're pre-med. That must be crazy stressful! Your medical microbiology course sounds like so much fun! I'm a biochemistry major (not pre-med) so maybe I can look into that for one of my electives. Good luck with the rest of your year! You're so close!

  20. Hello, Crystel!
    I too am a super-senior, but I am majoring in Criminology. I have friends who are majoring in Microbiology, it seems interesting! I love going to the bookstore and buying a book, but I also have a bad habit of not reading them. My favorite book genres are thrillers and fantasy. The most recent book that I've bought, but haven't read, is Silence of the Lambs. I don't know if you like scary movies, but it is terrifying! You should definitely watch Stranger Things, it's suspenseful, funny, heart-warming, etc. I hope your Fall semester is going well!

    Happy Holidays!
    Madi R.

  21. Hey Crystel! It's really cool your microbiology, and actually enjoy it. I know a few people studying microbiology, and they seemed to be more stressed about it, but it's amazing you are passionate about it. I do the same exact thing with books. I have a huge shelf of books in my room with perfect bindings because I have never opened them. And yes you should watch Stranger Things! I'm not a syfy fan and I loved it. I highly recommend it. Hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  22. Hi Crystel!
    I am also from Tulsa! I think it is great you have found an area that you are so passionate in! My fiance is also a super senior majoring in biology with the hopes of going to med school! So I know how long and hard the process is! Good luck on the rest of semester and with med school!

  23. Hi Crystel! It sounds like pre-med classes keep you pretty busy. I also am a huge fan of reading, especially fantasy, but I often don't have the time to read as much as I would like. I also recently finished The Handmaid's Tale and am anxiously waiting for the next season to come out! They use cliffhangers so well. I hope that your week treats you well and that you crush this upcoming finals week!

  24. Hi Crystel!

    I am a super senior from Tulsa too! I am graduating next week (oh my that is the first time I have written that and it sounds crazy), but I am glad I got the opportunity to meet you here at the end. I hope you got to go to the XII Championship! I am so proud of the team but also worried about the National Championship play offs.

  25. Hi Crystel! I really like the puppy picture! Pre-med major like microbiology can be challenging, I was a nursing major so I know all those pre-meds are really hard. I really hope you get into medical school. I hope you achieve your amazing dream of becoming a surgeon. I like OU football games too! I think you’ll become an amazing doctor. It’s nice to meet you Crystel!

  26. Hi Crystel, it was nice getting to know about you. I think I would have had to be a super senior as well but I am forcing myself to take summer classes every summer so that I am able to graduate on time! Even then, I have to take 6 more hours the summer after I graduate but I just want to get done as quick as I can haha. Have a good rest of your semester!

  27. Hi, Crystel! First, I have to say that your dog is absolutely adorable and I want to pet him! Second, I am also from Tulsa so it's cool to meet other people from there! I ended up pushing my graduation back a semester, but I will still be graduating in 2019! I hope you do good on all of your finals and have a great rest of your semester!


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