My Reading Options

Thought-Provoking  By: Melissa Donovan

  • The first unit I have interest in is the Native American Marriage Tales. I gravitated towards this unit due to my own Native American background and hearing stories told when around family of how certain things became the way they are. I feel like this unit would be a good way to explore other tribes' stories and to delve into my own tribes'. 
  • Next I chose Homer's Iliad as the second unit to explore. This comes from previous taking a class and having to read and analyze the characters and their meanings in the story. The Iliad is very fascinating as far as how Homer depicted each god and their respective role in the fight between Achilles and Hector. This would definitely be a unit to consider writing my own stories from.
  • Lastly I chose Dante's Inferno to investigate due to hearing about the story but never being able to read it and analyze it. After reading the overview of the story, it intrigued me more on how it is written as a journey and a reflection on the places he visited. This created the thought in my head of how I would possibly like to write my own storybook for the class. 


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