My Thoughts on the Assignments

What assignments am I most intrigued by? I think that the Storybook project is the assignment that  intrigues me the most. After browsing and reading through others' storybooks it really excited me to be able to write one of my own. In high school I took a creative writing class, and part of the class was to write imaginative stories and share them with classmates for feedback and more ideas on where to take the story. Hence I see many similarities between this class and the later one which excites me! As far as extra credit goes, I really liked the Growth Mindset assignment and would really like to do more on that. With being here in college and taking pretty tough classes, I will admit that having/keeping a growth mindset does get difficult, especially at certain parts of the semester. Therefore I will be doing more of those extra credit opportunities due to it actually helping me in the long run mentally as well as grade wise.
Growing Brain: Post written by Katie Uniacke


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