My Favorite Place ~Seville, Spain~

I chose Seville, Spain as my favorite place! I was fortunate to spend a month for study abroad in Seville last summer. During that time I stayed in a host home with a Spanish family and toured the area with my class group.
(Las Setas taken by Anual : Wikipedia-Las Setas)

One of the areas in the town I became fond of is called  La Encarnación. This is home to the Metropol Parasol or also known to the locals as Las Setas. From the top of this structure you can see a vast majority of the city since there are no major skyscrapers.

(Nervión Plaza taken by Mario Fernández : Flickr Nervion Plaza)

The above image is a mall in the area of Seville, called Nervión, in which I lived. I chose this mall because of its architecture and use of technology. It has a slide from the second floor to the bottom and has interactive spots to find the specific type of stores you are looking for! Overall, Seville is a place I would recommend visiting due to its variety of hidden treasures!


  1. This is marvelous, Crystel! Maybe you will want to do a Spain-inspired project for this class. There are some great English-language resources you can find online, and it sounds like you would be able to use Spanish-language resources too. Here are some books online you might want to browse next week when you are brainstorming project topics:
    Legends and Romances of Spain
    Tales from the Lands of Nuts and Grapes
    The Spanish Fairy Book
    (and your blog looks so pretty; even my comment is showing up in this fancy font!)

    1. Thank you! I hadn't thought about doing a Spain-inspired project but that's a good idea!


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