My Growth Mindset

Six Famous "Failures" Posted by Mitch Ditkoff

Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset talk/theory is really fascinating. Before this class I had never heard of this concept. Actually thinking about how the praise we received in childhood and school has effected our own individual thought processes is mind blowing. This made me reflect back to when I was transitioning between grades in elementary school and having to learn multiplication over the summer. My grandmother would sit down with me and make me go through my times tables. Of course it was hard but she always encouraged me to focus and try again and I developed this craving to want to do better and keep going higher in my multiplication. Throughout school I have had kids say “Oh you’re so smart” in response to a grade I received however I have never looked at myself that way. I’ve always thought that even though I may know certain things, I’m definitely not “smart” by any means. There are others who know way more smart than I and I accept it, it just gives me that much more of a challenge to become more than what I am. As mentioned in my Introduction blog, I do have a goal of attending medical school one day. With that being said applicants must have a nice GPA to apply and to be accepted. That is my goal this last year of school, to get my GPA where I need it to be. I am doing this by retaking classes I didn’t do so well in and know I could’ve/should’ve tried harder for. Therefore I see learning as a process of growth, never just a stagnant step.


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