Week 4 Story: Hannah the Hedgehog

THERE was once a countryman who had money and plenty of land but yet he was unhappy for he had no children. One day he became so upset he said, "I will have a child, even if it be a hedgehog." However when his wife conceived that hedgehog child, the man was still unhappy.

Hannah the Hedgehog saw daily how unhappy her parents were to have her and thought of an idea.
"Dear father, I will ride away and never come back again only if you bring me a fiddle from the market." The father rushed off to get a fiddle and not only did he get any old fiddle, but the very best one in hopes this would make the child stay away. Hannah took the fiddle and left as she had promised for that's all she had. She went deep into the forest and managed to find home in a mulberry bush where she played her fiddle day in and day out.

One day a lost King came stumbling through the forest and heard the music. He was astonished at the sound and sent a servant to find the source. The servant spied out what looked to be a half hedgehog half woman sitting in the mulberry bush playing her fiddle. Then the King told the servant to ask why she sat there and if she knew the path to his kingdom. Hannah came out the bush and promised to show the King the path if he promised marriage to her when she turned twenty. The King thought, "I can easily do that. Hannah the Hedgehog knows no more than an animal." So the King wrote it down on a piece of paper but neglected to sign it. Hannah did not know what the King had done and therefore showed him the way home.

Hannah the Hedgehog continued to play her fiddle when a couple days later another King came stumbling by. He also heard the beautiful music and asked out, "Who is that who plays such wonderful music?" "It is I Hannah the Hedgehog, what is your desire?" The King went on to explain how he and his crew became lost and need to find the right path home. Hannah agreed to show the King the path to his kingdom only if he promised marriage to her when she turned twenty. The King said, "Yes," and wrote a promise to Hannah the Hedgehog and continued to his kingdom.

On the day of her twentieth birthday, Hannah set out to the first King. Upon arrival, she found this King had been recently married. Hannah enraged, threaten both their lives or have the King come live with her. The King agreed and left with Hannah the Hedgehog.  He was however deceived by Hannah for when they were at a short distance from the kingdom she took his jewels off and pierced him with her hedgehog skin until he bled all over. "That is the reward of your falseness," said Hannah. 

Hannah the Hedgehog, then continued to the next kingdom of that of the other King. Once there, Hannah was welcomed by the King, and was offered her marriage but only after she got a night's rest from her journeys. Hannah agreed, and went to her chamber peacefully. That night something mysterious happened. Hannah the Hedgehog shed her quills and furry skin to become fully human girl. 

That next morning, upon laying eyes on Hannah, the King fell deep in love with her and they joyfully ate, and drank, and then the marriage was properly solemnized, and Hannah, once the hedgehog, had received the kingdom from the kind King and became his beautiful Queen.

Author's Note:
I took this story from the original Hans the Hedgehog story. I wanted to change the story and make Hans a girl and to show what would happen in her case. I made her ask for marriage instead of the first thing the king's saw because I felt like that's what any alone girl would want, a friend/lover and happiness.

 Household Tales by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, translated by Margaret Hunt (1884).


  1. Hi Crystel!
    This was a very interesting story! I did not read the original story so it was a little difficult for me to keep up. I would recommend adding a little background information into your author's note. Otherwise I thought you did a great job with your story. I thought the ending was very clever and unexpected. I wonder if she ever returned to show her parents.

  2. Hey Crstyal. I really enjoyed reading your story. It was sad to hear that Hannah's father was so happy to see her leave since he ran to the market to get her a fiddle. Also the first king was very wrong for telling her he would marry her but then betray her. The ending was nice since she became a beautiful girl who got married to the king and lived a happy life now.

  3. Hi Crystel! I thought this story was pretty interesting. I loved that you included a passion for music into the tale. I can definitely picture kings being lured into the forest by beautiful songs. I also appreciated that you had justice for the King who deceived her as well as a happy ending for Hannah. I wondered, did she ever end up seeing her family again? Overall, interesting retelling of this story! Good job!

  4. Hey Crystel,

    I had not read this story and what a crazy premise. I felt so bad for Hannah, especially because her father said from the beginning he was going to be okay with it and then went back on his word at the last minute. I also am so glad she got back at the first king and still got the chance to live happily with the next.

  5. Hi Crystel! I really like your amazing and creative story! This is so sad:
    "Dear father, I will ride away and never come back again only if you bring me a fiddle from the market." The father rushed off to get a fiddle and not only did he get any old fiddle, but the very best one in hopes this would make the child stay away. “ I wish father was loving like other fathers. WOW.. The king’s so wicked: The King thought, "I can easily do that. Hannah the Hedgehog knows no more than an animal." I like how you created the characters in really vivid and detailed way. They all feel like alive. Thank you for a great story!

  6. HI Crystal, this was definitely an interesting story to read, I think mostly because the main character was part hedgehog! I am glad that Hannah was able to find a happy ending, since the beginning of her life seemed kind of sad with her parents being unhappy with her and all. I was hoping for more clarification in your author's note on the original story but it did not really give me any insight. Other than that, good job!

  7. Hi, Crystel! First off, I have to say that I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing how you were able to take the original version and put your own spin on it. Second, I absolutely love the font that appears when I type, I think it is so cool! I think you definitely have a very fun and unique writing style and I have enjoyed looking through your blog! Great job with your stories and I hope you have a great rest of your semester!


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