Reading Part A: Brothers Grimm (Crane) Unit

For my reading notes part A I decided to do them over the story The Robber Bridegroom. Right at the start of the story we are presented with repetition with the caged bird saying,
"Turn back, turn back, thou pretty bride,
Within this house thou must not bide,
For here do evil things betide".
The wording used and having this rhyme being repeated gives the audience a sudden urge of despair and worry as though we are feeling what the bride is. The actions leading up to this scene, the girl throwing out peas even though there is ash, are also important cause it foreshadows the insecurity felt by the girl and what's to come. The repetition returns again when the bride is recapping the story to her bridegroom saying,
"Sweetheart, my dream is not yet ended"
which symbolizes that she may be being interrupted and how important it is for her to finish.

Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm translated by Lucy Crane and illustrated by Walter Crane (1886)


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