Reading Part B: Canterbury Tales

For reading part B of the Canterbury Tales, one story that caught my eye in particular was that of The Cock, the Hen, and the Fox. For the start of the story, the pilgrim tells two tales of two men. Within each he goes into showing how worthy dreams are....which doesn't pertain to the title. I feel this to maybe be an attempt to real the audience in and made me want to see when the cock, the hen, and the fox would come into play. For the ending of the story we get the story of the cock, the hen, and the fox finally yet there was no significance of the hen. However, the story ends with the strong lesson of "but bad luck to him who talks when he ought to hold his peace." This was surprising due to not realizing originally that's the reason the cock was able to be taken.


The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan (1908)


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