Week 8 Progress

Looking back...
...I am "ok" with the progress I have made thus far. There was one week that I fell behind on the assignments that I still need to make up for but its just been crazy since we are in midterms currently. I plan on getting back up to where I was grade wise, hopefully, after this week since class exams have settled for now. Ha-ha extra credit here I come! For me it's hard to get into a good routine and keep it due to my work schedule changing from week to week and everything else in between. However I do believe I have found the perfect time for me to get the work done...mornings! That's when I feel like my brain is the clearest to write my notes and especially the stories, which I like the most! I really can't wait to see how my storybook turns out, cause so far I think it's looking mighty fine! 

Looking forward...
I feel like the best thing for me to do is when I have the extra time, to go ahead and get stuff done! Because, when I think I will have time later during the week to do the assignment something comes up and it becomes a mad struggle to do everything. Lesson: GET AHEAD!


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