Reading Notes: Great Plains

One common theme between all the stories is their use of description. The types of description given are so simple yet provide us, the audience, with a vivid image of what is being described. Such as, "The winds came from all sides and they blew until the waters went upwards, as in a mist." This sentence to me is so vivid in imaging what this scene looks like. Another note to be made is how there is a lot of repetition within each story and amoung them all. In the individual stories, you can see how they came about choosing their animal of importance by giving trial to all others and very shortly explaining why the other animals could not succeed. Overall you can see repetition between all the stories by just the use of having animals be the wise ones or for showing the people how to live. Lastly, the stories all use a very simple way of talking and explaining things. The don't use big or difficult words to get the meanings and lessons across to the audience.

Story source: Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by Katharine Berry Judson (1913).


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