Week 8 Reading and Writing

I picked the above picture because it was used for my very first  reading notes that led to my first story!

  • Overall, how well are the reading and writing assignments working for you? 

            ~Overall, I feel like the assignments themselves aren't bad. Just finding the time to actually sit down to do the work among my work for my other classes is hard. At first I didn't understand the concept behind doing the reading notes but it later made sense that they were for helping write that week's story.

  • Are you happy with your blog? With your project website?
             ~I am happy with my blog website. I will be doing some extra credit tech tips later in the following weeks to make some adjustments. I received a comment from a classmate (thank you!) that the post writing font is kind of hard to read, so I went and made some changes to the font and also the colors of the background and title font. As for my project website, I am excited to keep creating and see the finished product!

  • What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment(s) in your writing for this class? 
             ~This might sound so corny but my biggest accomplishment for this class would be just the writing period. I honestly hate writing, so this class is definitely making me explore my writing abilities.

  • What has been your favorite reading so far?
             ~It's hard to say what my favorite reading has been thus far. Since we are given such a variety, I don't think that I can truly say I have a favorite. I have really liked some of the stories that others in the class have wrote! It's very cool to be able to read another perspective/interpretation of a story.

  •  Have you discovered any new reading/research strategies? 
             ~After reading another student's story in which they wrote from a background character's point-of-view and it really sparked my interest. I have used it a couple times of writing from an inconspicuous character's perspective. It gives me the opportunity to give the story details I felt were missing yet keep a story that is true to the original in a sense.

In closing, I feel like I am becoming more comfortable with my writing and just need to actually sit down and make more time to do the readings.


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