
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 2 Story: A Navajo Díne

Long Exposure Traffic Light  By: Lucas Zimmermann It was an unusually dark night as the Begay family was making their way back home….. They had just come from spending the whole day with grandma and grandpa. Before they left, grandma was begging them not to get on the road that late, for the moon was approaching mid sky and bad things tend to roam that late. The father insisted on getting back home since he had work the next day. So Grandpa, the mother’s dad, went back inside their home to get yellow corn pollen to bless the family on their way but little to his luck they had already gotten into the car. He noticed out the corner of his eye the little one’s doll and quickly said a blessing and ran it out to the car. The little one was no more than two years old and had already fallen asleep so he tucked the soft doll right under her arm. He then told his daughter to head home fast, keep straight and not to look back. Because of being in such rush, she didn’t have a chance t...

First Reading Notes: Supernatural: A Teton Ghost Story

Ghostly Woods of Mt. Penn  By: raistlin306 The author's use of imagery helped me to envision what is exactly happening and added a deeper sense of suspense. Also the description of the traditional clothing worn by both ghosts gives the audience a sense of time period of where they are from confirming the accusation of them being ghost. The plot of this story was well written in regards to the lesson of the story. When the author used the sentence, " He tore a hole in his blanket large enough to peep through", it added an element of surprise and made me feel as though I am the one looking through the hole. The fall of the story was smooth with small waves of tension with the fight between the to male characters, and gave an intense setting for the ending. However the ending of the story felt short and quick. I did not understand the switch in ghost characters at the end. I was hoping to read more about the woman that had came to him the night previously. So persona...

My Reading Options

Thought-Provoking  By: Melissa Donovan The first unit I have interest in is the  Native American Marriage Tales . I gravitated towards this unit due to my own Native American background and hearing stories told when around family of how certain things became the way they are. I feel like this unit would be a good way to explore other tribes' stories and to delve into my own tribes'.  Next I chose  Homer's Iliad  as the second unit to explore. This comes from previous taking a class and having to read and analyze the characters and their meanings in the story. The Iliad is very fascinating as far as how Homer depicted each god and their respective role in the fight between Achilles and Hector. This would definitely be a unit to consider writing my own stories from. Lastly I chose  Dante's Inferno  to investigate due to hearing about the story but never being able to read it and analyze it. After reading the overview of the story, it intrigued m...

Time Strategies

Overall, I think I have certain bursts when my time management is great and times when its not. Usually this is due to planning out what I need to do to the tee but then being sidetracked by something I forgot or just another matter in general (ex. being too tired from work to even think). However, after reading the articles How To Beat Procrastination  and Time Management Tips Just For Creatives  I found ways to better my time management. The one tip I am very fond of is thinking more about the long term goal of getting a certain task done instead of the pain of doing it now. That is what creates my biggest time challenges is procrastination. I will start implementing doing things ahead of time to not only have them done but to reduce the overall stress I put on myself by waiting.  Time Management  By Dana Rayburn

My Thoughts on Our Class Technology

Business Cat  Made Via Being somebody who has never blogged, most of the tools listed are completely new to me. The ones I recognize are Pinterest and the tools that we have used in class thus far such as the Class Announcements Blog, Class Wiki, and Class Calendar Page. The online environment in this class is very different from the ones I've taken before. That's due to the other classes being more read-and-quiz based than read-and-create. Also, the fluidity of the schedule is very different when compared to others that are more firm on deadlines, which fluidity is great! Overall I do hope to learn how to better/more efficiently navigate the web and hopefully better my nonexistent typing skills! 

My Thoughts on the Assignments

What assignments am I most intrigued by? I think that the Storybook project is the assignment that  intrigues me the most. After browsing and reading through others' storybooks it really excited me to be able to write one of my own. In high school I took a creative writing class, and part of the class was to write imaginative stories and share them with classmates for feedback and more ideas on where to take the story. Hence I see many similarities between this class and the later one which excites me! As far as extra credit goes, I really liked the Growth Mindset assignment and would really like to do more on that. With being here in college and taking pretty tough classes, I will admit that having/keeping a growth mindset does get difficult, especially at certain parts of the semester. Therefore I will be doing more of those extra credit opportunities due to it actually helping me in the long run mentally as well as grade wise. Growing Brain : Post written by Katie Uniacke

My Growth Mindset

Six Famous "Failures"  Posted by Mitch Ditkoff Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset talk/theory is really fascinating. Before this class I had never heard of this concept. Actually thinking about how the praise we received in childhood and school has effected our own individual thought processes is mind blowing. This made me reflect back to when I was transitioning between grades in elementary school and having to learn multiplication over the summer. My grandmother would sit down with me and make me go through my times tables. Of course it was hard but she always encouraged me to focus and try again and I developed this craving to want to do better and keep going higher in my multiplication. Throughout school I have had kids say “Oh you’re so smart” in response to a grade I received however I have never looked at myself that way. I’ve always thought that even though I may know certain things, I’m definitely not “smart” by any means. There are others who know way more smart than...

The Introduction of Me!! 

Pomsky  By Kaelin Tully  Hi guys, I’m Crystel Fields! I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma and currently a super-senior (last year…woo!) majoring in Microbiology. I know what you are wondering...“Whoa, are you Pre -Med or something?”, yes I am! I chose my major not only because of it having a vast majority of the classes need to apply to medical school, but because I truly find it interesting. I love microscopic work and being able to identify what a certain bacterium is. Furthermore, I also really enjoy having the ability to work through and diagnose patients with various conditions like in a class I am currently taking called Medical Microbiology. I hope to go on to medical school within a year to become a surgeon, not sure on specific practice yet. Anyways, enough about school ha-ha, in my free time I like to do a little of everything: hangout with friends, read, craft, and of course attend OU football games! My time with friends could be spent doing anything from just s...

My Storybook Favorites

Artful Bookshelf  by Stacy Cross I chose  Ghost Stories for the first storybook to explore. Just seeing the word ghost in the title was something that caught my eye. After reading the introduction, I realized that this is not just a collaboration of numerous ghost stories but also stories of multiple family’s experiences in this one home. I felt that maybe the title could have been more insinuating based on the stories.  The author really caught my attention when talking about his/her own ghostly experience and how it pushed him/her to delve deeper into the history of the home. For the overall design of the storybook, I felt as though it was a little basic and would have liked to see the pictures in between the words instead of at the end of the story.  For the second storybook I chose, it was Betraying Confidence . What initially drew me into reading the story was the short overview given on the browsing page and not the title. So far after reading the intro...

My Favorite Place ~Seville, Spain~

I chose Seville, Spain as my favorite place! I was fortunate to spend a month for study abroad in Seville last summer. During that time I stayed in a host home with a Spanish family and toured the area with my class group. (Las Setas taken by Anual :  Wikipedia-Las Setas ) One of the areas in the town I became fond of is called  La Encarnación. This is home to the Metropol Parasol or also known to the locals as Las Setas. From the top of this structure you can see a vast majority of the city since there are no major skyscrapers. (Nervión Plaza taken by Mario Fernández :  Flickr Nervion Plaza ) The above image is a mall in the area of Seville, called  Nervión , in which I lived. I chose this mall because of its architecture and use of technology. It has a slide from the second floor to the bottom and has interactive spots to find the specific type of stores you are looking for! Overall, Seville is a place I would recommend visiting due to its vari...

Test Post!!

Hey there!