Wikipedia Trail: From Pineapple to PlayStation 3

Pineapple was my first search due to random thought from a friend! Upon researching pineapples, which are indigenous to South America, I came across tepache! Tepache "is a fermented beverage made from the peel and the rind of pineapples, and is sweetened either with piloncillo or brown sugar, seasoned with powdered cinnamon, and served cold." Upon reading about this tasteful drink it brought me to Street Fighter IV. Street Fighter IV is a fighting video game made into 2008 in which "the luchador character El Fuerte has a move list that reads like a combination of a restaurant menu and...Tepache is one such item referenced in it." This brought me to my last search of PlayStation 3! The PlayStation 3 is a popular video game console in which the previous game mentioned can be played. It is also my personal favorite console to play on! :)


  1. Hi Crystal! I'm just doing some extra commenting and I came across your post on the blog stream. I love doing the Wikipedia trails so I wanted to see how other people do their trails too. I think it's cool how you started from pineapple but ended up at playstation. Anyway, good luck on finals! Hope this class has been fun for you!

  2. Hey Crystal! My Wikipedia trails always end up being pretty crazy too. Thank you for explaining how everything connected to one another. The jump from Tepache to Street Fighter IV was a little confusing at first. I personally am more of an XBox person myself, but then again I don't really play video games in general. Good luck on your finals!

  3. Hey Crystel!
    This is such a fun Wikipedia trail! I try to always stay on topic because I know that I have a hard time on Wikipedia in real life. There is just so much information on there that you could spend forever learning new things! It is cool that you started with pineapples and ended with your favorite consol.


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